A prestigious Chicago Law Firm specializing in Patent Law, was renting space in a sub-basement of one of the most noted commercial movers in Chicago for their 20,000+ boxes. They were faced with many of the standard security and environmental issues that comes along with basement storage. Yet, the more looming issues were the high no-find file rate and their current lease was about to expire. Every missing file meant both time and money. When
GRM met the Law Firm, their plan was to rent space in another building and find an Information Management Company to provide consultation.
GRM created a proposal.
GRM outlined for the law firm many items that had not been considered when finding new space. For example, the Law Firm needed to create a racking system, install appropriate sprinkler systems, establish security measures, and receive the necessary approvals from the city. The Law Firm quickly learned there was more to this process than rental space, personnel and utilities. There was still the larger problem, their high no-find file rate. Impressed by
GRM's knowledge and insight, The Law Firm called in the CEO of the firm to hear
GRM's proposed 'total solution.' What
GRM ultimately proposed was a solution that included security, a complete transfer of boxes and data, with a net result of 100% file retrieval rate. The
GRM solution was right in line with the proposed budget, and the solution was accepted. There was one last caveat, 20,000 boxes needed to be transferred, indexed, and shelved as well as being completely accessible throughout the process, within 20 business days. The bar had been set and
GRM was put to task.
To read more on this and other
GRM success stories, please head over to the
GRM website.